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Rock Area Index / Humphrey's Ledge / Procession (5.12b)
Robert Frost
Photo by Al Hospers
Directions:  Look for a right-angling flake just to the right of the Guides Route crack.
Description: A sunny location that's usually dry. A great place for a serious pump in early winter and early spring.
    Pitch 1: Climb the flake to the first bolt. Step left and continue up past more bolts to a 2-bolt anchor.

    Pitch 2: Continue straight up to a thin finger crack and on to a tree belay on a ledge.

Gear: just draws for the first pitch, standard rack for the second
Descent: rappel with 1 50m rope from the 1st pitch, 2 from the upper
History:  July 1989 - Bob Parrott, Rob Adair
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