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Ice Area Index / Crawford Notch - various / Willey's Slide (WI 2 II)
Willey's Slide
A popular day on Willey's Slide
Photo by Al Hospers
Directions:  From North Conway drive North on Rt 302 past Frankenstein. Continue past the Willey House historic site on the left and look for two plowed pulloffs, one on either side of the road. The climb is the obvious flow on the West side of the road about 1/3 of the way up the hill. Look for the large boulder behind the pulloff and follow the trail behind it up the hill through the woods, continuing across the railroad tracks and then up a bit further in the woods. Start as desired.
Description: Willey's Slide is a very large flow that comes in every year. There are no particular routes, so just wander up for 5 or 6 pitches to the top. There are a variety of bulges that form, offering some interesting and varied climbing at a very moderate grade. It is a popular place for guided groups and beginning leaders and can be crowded on weekends. While it is often in the sun, it can also be very windy and brutally cold.
Gear: standard ice rack
Descent: walk off on the right or left side
History:  WInter  - unknown
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