NEClimbs - information for New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont rock and ice climbers
IceCON 4. Climbs are IN at the usual places and generally at consensus ratings.
4 out of a possible 5
Friends Of The LedgesThe ACCESS Fund, Protect America's Climbingthe American Alpine ClubInternational Mountain Climbing SchoolMount Washington Valley Climbers Cooperative
Current Weather at Cathedral Ledge:
Upload time/date
Wind chill
Barometric pressure
3 Hour Barometer Trend
Wind speed
Wind direction
Peak wind speed today
Today's rainfall

9:29p 12/16/22
39.1 °F
39.1 °F
100 %
29.618 in
Falling Rapidly
0.0 mph
11.0 mph
0.71 in
Current AccuWeather combination satellite/radar animation
for New England
Click Here for the latest National Weather Service doppler radar for Northern New Hampshire
Current Local & Regional Forecasts:
  Mt. Washington Observatory Higher Summits information
  Mt Washington Avalanche Center - Huntington and Tuckerman Ravines
  Mt. Washington (Valley forecast)
  Mt. Washington Auto Road Vertical Temperature Profile
  Cannon Mountain (Franconia, NH)
  Lake Willoughby (St. Johnsbury, VT)
  Mt. Kathadin (Millinocket, ME)
  Smuggler's Notch (VT)
Area Webcams:
  Cathedral Ledge Webcam
  Mt. Washington ravines from Wildcat
  Mt. Washington Summit Observatory deck
  North view of Mt. Washington
  West view of Mt. Washington
  Mt. Washington from Conway Village

About our Weather Station:
The weather station is a Davis Vantage Pro. It's located on our upper back deck about 300 yards from the base of Cathedral Ledge. The weather you see on this site is actually what's occurring right now here at the cliff! To get the complete picture check out our Cathedral Ledge Webcam. If you are interested in what the weather station looks like CLICK HERE.
Local Weather Phones:
MW Observatory Weatherphone
(603) 356-0300 or (800) 706-0432

MWV Radio - Valley Weather:
(603) 356-5030
Other Useful Weather Links:
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