NEClimbs - information for New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont rock and ice climbers
IceCON 4. Climbs are IN at the usual places and generally at consensus ratings.
4 out of a possible 5
The White Mountain Report: Feb 6th, 2025
There's sure enough stuff out there to keep folks engaged right now. [grin] And finally several rounds of snow coming through as well. Punxsutawney Phil says 6 more weeks of winter, and it sure feels as if that's what we have in store. We do need a little more moisture in the system for a refresh, and if we get it maybe we'll have some of that late season hero ice. Man I'd sure dig that. Stay tuned...
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Mount Washington Valley Ice Fest
Mount Washington Valley Ice Fest
The MWV Ice Fest is considered one of the premier climbing events in the country. For over 32 years it has provided a great opportunity for those attending to network, socialize, try new gear and participate in multiple day courses, one-day technical clinics and privately guided climbs. Don't miss it!

Jan 31-Feb 2 2025 in North Conway, NH.
Our Current Review
The White Ladder - Triumph And Tragedy At The Dawn Of Mountaineering
product  picture
Within the first 10 pages, I had quickly learned that I had a huge gap in my mountaineering history...
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White Mountain Route Database and Guide
Route of the Moment

Barking Dog Crag -  WI 3

This is really an area, not a single climb. There are numerous flows, runnels and pillars in the woods all over the area between this and Black Pudding, none really named. The right side is a great place to take a small group as top ropes can be easily set up either by climbing the large flow or walking around on the right.

Checkout the 5 Latest Additions:
The Staircase
Circling Scavengers
Vultures' Express
Klettersteig Ridge
The Booklet Left
Our Routes Database currently contains
671 rock routes from 40 areas
123 ice routes from 12 areas.
Quotes From the Ledge:
Routes rate me, not the other way around.
—Andy Cairns
International Mountain Equipmentthe American Alpine ClubThe ACCESS Fund, Protect America's ClimbingFriends Of The LedgesEquinox Guiding Service LLC
Climber leading Widows Walk in the Frankenstein Amphitheater
<br />
Crawford Notch
Climber leading Widows Walk in the Frankenstein Amphitheater
Crawford Notch
Selected Ice Conditions effective February 6, 2025
The ice is plentiful and pretty good right now. And it's in all the normal places, unlike in the past couple of years. That said, we've got a fair amount of snow on the ground and a couple of more rounds coming through. I just heard a report of a large windslab avalanche this afternoon out of Upper Hitchcock! So please remember that even a small avalanche will ruin your day.
Huntington Ravine many alpine options, but beware avalanche  
Repentance building  
Standard Route great Click to see route picture.
Dracula very good Click to see route picture.
For the full current conditions report, CLICK HERE
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One Of Our Articles: Another Day At Ducks Head (a.k.a. Trollville)
Duck's Head (Trollville) is a great place to toprope or to get your mixed climbing skills in order. This day was a particularly great we ran into a couple of mixed-masters and got to watch them at work!
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