This modest effort is by no means intended
to replace Webster's definitive Rock Climbing in the White
Mountains of New Hampshire or Rick Wilcox and Peter Lewis'
superb new edition of the Ice
Climber's Guide to Northern New England. That said, you
may find our growing collection of area routes useful. In our (probably
not so) humble opinion, these are some of the more entertaining
climbs in the area. If you have any new routes (rock or ice), please email
us so they can be included here, and possibly in a forthcoming
guidebook. Enjoy...
Climbing is a very dangerous sport. You can get hurt or even kill yourself. When you go climbing, you do so of your own free will. Everything on this site is to be taken with a grain of salt. Don't blame us if you get up some totally heinous route, in over your head and fall and hurt yourself.